After completing the course, you’ll be able to:
Chapter 1: Caring for the Whole Person
- Summarize two theories of adult development.
- Discuss the effects of the environment on the ill adult.
- Explore the roles of the family, body image, and sexuality during an acute
Chapter 2: Adult Respiratory Distress
- Identify three catastrophic conditions that may lead to the development of
adult respiratory distress syndrome.
- Describe the signs and symptoms of adult respiratory syndrome.
- Discuss the collaborative management of adult respiratory syndrome.
Chapter 3: Bronchogenic Carcinoma
- Describe the causes of bronchogenic carcinoma
- Discuss the signs and symptoms of bronchogenic carcinoma.
- Identify three nursing diagnoses related to bronchogenic carcinoma.
- Formulate a plan of care based of the nursing diagnoses.
Chapter 4: Chest Trauma
- Identify the pathophysiology of two types of chest trauma: pneumothorax and
- Differentiate among the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax, hemothorax and
cardiac tamponade.
- Identify three nursing diagnoses that can be used to plan nursing care.
- Formulate a plan of care based on the nursing diagnoses.
Chapter 5: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
- Identify the differences in pathophysiology among asthma, bronchitis, and
- Describe the signs and symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Identify three nursing diagnoses that can be used to plan nursing care.
- Formulate a plan of care based on the nursing diagnoses.
Chapter 6: Pneumonia
- Differentiate among the causes and signs and symptoms of viral, bacterial,
and aspiration pneumonia.
- Describe the nursing management of the patient with pneumonia.
- Identify three complications of pneumonia.
Chapter 7: Pulmonary Embolism
- Discuss the pathophysiology of pulmonary embolism.
- Describe the signs and symptoms of impending pulmonary embolism.
- Identify factors that place patients at risk for pulmonary emboli.
- Identify nursing diagnoses that can be used to manage pulmonary embolism.
- Formulate a plan of care based on the nursing diagnoses.
Chapter 8: Thoracic Surgery
- Define the different types of thoracic surgery.
- Describe the complications of thoracic surgery.
- Identify three nursing diagnoses that can be used to plan nursing care after
thoracic surgery.
- Formulate a plan of care based on the nursing diagnoses.
Chapter 9: Tuberculosis
- Identify three important factors that may lead to the development of
- Describe the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis.
- Discuss the collaborative management of tuberculosis, using the nursing
Chapter 10: Aneurysms
- Describe the primary causes of aneurysms.
- Identify assessment findings in patient with an aneurysm
- Describe important interventions for the patient with an aneurysm, using the
nursing process.
Chapter 11: Cardiac Arrest and Sudden
- Define cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death.
- Identify the causes of cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death.
- Discuss the nurse’s role in defibrillation.
Chapter 12: Cardiac Surgery and Heart Transplantation
- Discuss nursing interventions for patients with cardiomyopathy and congestive
heart failure.
Chapter 15: Coronary Heart Disease and Myocardial Infarction
- Describe the pathophysiology of coronary heart disease and myocardial
- Identify signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction.
- Describe the surgical procedures used in coronary artery bypass grafting and
heart valve replacement.
- Describe techniques used to diagnose myocardial infarction.
- Discuss nursing management of patients with coronary heart disease of
myocardial infarction.
Chapter 16: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
- Describe the causes of intravascular coagulation (DIC).
- Identify the pathophysiologic events that occur in DIC.
- Discuss nursing interventions for the patient with DIC.
Chapter 17: Arrhythmias
- Describe the causes of cardiac arrhythmias.
- Identify the characteristics of 10 common arrhythmias, and describe the
treatment for each one.
- Discuss nursing management of patients with arrhythmias.
Chapter 18: Hypovolemic Shock
- Describe the main causes of hypovolemic shock.
- Identify early signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock.
- Discuss nursing management of patient with hypovolemic shock.
- Describe the causes of intravascular coagulation (DIC).
- Identify the pathophysiologic events that occur in DIC.
- Discuss nursing interventions for the patient with DIC.
Chapter 19: Hypertension
- Describe the causes of primary secondary hypertension.
- Identify early and late signs of hypertension.
- Calculate a patient’s mean arterial blood pressure.
- Discuss nursing management of patients with hypertension.
Chapter 20: Infective Endocarditis, Myocarditis, and Pericarditis
- Discuss nursing management of patients with these disease.
Chapter 21: Invasive Cardiac Diagnostic Tests and Therapies
- Describe the purpose and uses of cardiac catheterization.
- Define infective endocarditis, myocarditis, and pericarditis.
- Identify signs and symptoms of these diseases
- Discuss nursing assessment of the patient scheduled for an invasive cardiac
test or therapy.
- Identify two important nursing diagnoses for the patient undergoing an
invasive cardiac diagnostic test or therapy.
- Identify the laboratory findings the nurse should monitor when caring for a
patient who is recovering from an invasive cardiac test or therapy.
- Discuss nursing management of the patient after cardiac catheterization.
Chapter 22: Pacemakers
- Identify the major components of a pacemaker.
- Describe the general technique by which a pacemaker stimulates the heart.
- Discuss the differences between fixed-rate pacing and demand pacing.
- Discuss nursing management of the patient with pacemaker.
Chapter 23: Valvular Heart Disease
- Discuss the pathophysiology of valvular heart disease. Describe signs and
symptoms valvular stenosis and valvular insufficiency.
- Discuss nursing management of patients with valvular heart disease.
Chapter 24: Sodium and Chloride Imbalance
- Describe the actions of sodium and chloride within the body
- Discuss the signs and symptoms of sodium and chloride imbalance.
- Formulate a nursing care plan for a patient with a sodium and chloride
Chapter 25: Potassium Imbalance
- Identify the functions of potassium in the body.
Chapter 28: Acid-Base Imbalance
- Discuss the role of acid-base balance in the body.
- Describe the signs and symptoms of metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis,
respiratory acidosis, and respiratory alkalosis.
- Formulate a nursing care plan for a patient with an acid-base imbalance.
- Describe the signs and symptoms Metabolic acidosis
Chapter 29: Water Imbalance and Intravenous Therapy
- Describe the signs and symptoms of water deficit or excess.
- Discuss the nursing management of a patient with a water deficit or excess.
- Describe the difference between a colloid and crystalloid fluid.
- List the specific interventions necessary for rapid volume replacement with
intravenous fluids.
Chapter 30: Acute Renal Failure
- Describe the causes of acute renal failure.
- Summarize the pathophysiology of intrarenal acute renal failure.
- Discuss the nursing management of patients with acute renal failure
Chapter 31: Chronic Renal Failure
- Discuss the physiologic changes that occur in chronic renal failure.
- Summarize the nursing implications of caring for patients receiving
peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.
- Describe the information that patients with chronic renal failure need to
understand before discharge.
Chapter 32: Pyelonephritis and Cystitis
- Describe the changes in the kidney and bladder that occur with pyelonephritis
and cystitis.
- Identify the most common causative agents for pyelonephritis and cystitis.
- Summarize the nursing management of patients with pyelonephritis or cystitis.
Chapter 33: Glomerulonephritis
- Describe the pathphysiologic changes that occur in glomerulonephritis.
- Summarize the signs and symptoms that occur in patients with acute
- Discuss specific nursing interventions for patients with glomerulonephritis.
Chapter 34: Renal Transplantation
- List the indications for renal transplantation.
- Summarize the lifestyle changes necessary for a patient who has had a renal
- Discuss the nursing management of a patient who has had a renal
Chapter 35: Brain Tumor
- Briefly describe the pathophysiology of a brain tumor.
- Identify the major complications of a brain tumor.
- Discuss nursing management of patients with brain tumor.
Chapter 36: Cerebral aneurysm and Cerebrovascular Accident
- Describe the pathophysiology of cerebral aneurysm and cerebrovascular
- Identify risk factors associated with cerebral aneurysms and cerebrovascular
- Discuss nursing management of patients with cerebral aneurysms or
cerebrovascular accidents.
Chapter 37: Meningitis and Encephalitis
- Explain the causes of encephalitis and meningitis.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of encephalitis and meningitis.
- Describe nursing management for patients with encephalitis and meningitis.
Chapter 38: Epilepsy
- Explain the causes of epilepsy.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of epilepsy.
- Describe the nursing management of patients with epilepsy.
Chapter 39: Head Trauma and Spinal Cord
- Discuss the pathophysiology of traumatic injury to the central nervous
- Identify the signs and symptoms of head trauma and spinal cord injury.
- Describe nursing interventions for patients with head trauma and spinal cord
Chapter 40: Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia
- Identify the possible causes of multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.
- Describe nursing management of patients with multiple sclerosis and
myasthenia gravis.
Chapter 41: Appendicitis
- Describe the major cause of appendicitis.
- Explain the pathophysiology of appendicitis.
- Develop a nursing care plan for the patient with appendicitis.
Chapter 42: Cholecystitis
- Describe the major causes of cholecystitis.
- Explain the pathophysiology of cholecystitis.
- Develop a nursing care plan for a patient with cholecystitis.
Chapter 43: Cirrhosis, Acute Liver Failure and Liver Transplantation
- Discuss the most common causes of cirrhosis.
- Summarize the pathophysiology of cirrhosis.
- Develop a nursing care plan for the patient with cirrhosis.
- List pertinent nursing diagnoses for the patient with acute liver failure and
liver transplantation.
Chapter 44: Colorectal Cancer
- Describe the major causes of Colorectal cancer.
- Explain the possible complications of colorectal cancer.
- Develop a nursing care plan using nursing diagnoses for the patient with
colorectal cancer.
Chapter 45: Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s
- Identify the major signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s
- Summarize the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease.
- Develop a nursing care plan for the patient with inflammatory bowel disease.
Chapter 46: Pancreatitis
- Describe the major causes of pancreatitis.
- Explain the pathophysiology of pancreatitis.
- Develop a nursing care plan using nursing diagnoses for the patient with
Chapter 47: Peptic Ulcers
- Discuss the causes and location of peptic ulcers.
- Explain the pathophysiology of peptic ulcers.
- Develop a nursing plan of care for the patient with peptic ulcers.
Chapter 48: Viral Hepatitis
- Describe the major causes of viral hepatitis.
- Explain the differences in the pathophysiology and signs and symptoms of
hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and other forms of hepatitis.
- Develop a nursing plan of care for the patient with viral hepatitis.
Chapter 49: Addison’s Disease and Cushing’s Syndrome
- Explain the role of cortisol and Aldosterone in the body.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome.
- Describe nursing management for patients with Addison’s disease and
Cushing’s syndrome.
Chapter 50: Alcohol Withdrawal
- Describe the causes of withdrawal.
- Discuss the difference between the signs and symptoms of early alcohol
withdrawal and late alcohol withdrawal
- Explain the rationale and mechanism for fluid replacement during alcohol
- Identify the nurse’s responsibilities in managing sensory and perceptual
deficits during alcohol withdrawal.
- Explain the rationale and mechanism for fluid replacement during alcohol
- Identify the nurse’s responsibilities in managing sensory and perceptual
deficits during alcohol withdrawal.
Chapter 51: Diabetes Insipidus and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic
- Explain the role of antidiuretic hormone is the body.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
and diabetes insipidus.
- Describe the nursing management for patients with syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone and diabetes insipidus.
Chapter 52: Diabetes Mellitus and Acute Hypoglycemia
- Explain the role of insulin in the body.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and acute hypoglycemia.
- Describe the nursing management of patients with diabetes mellitus and acute
Chapter 53: Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
- Describe the role of thyroid in the body.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
- Summarize the nursing management of patients with hypothyroidism or
Chapter 54: Burns
- Identify the three major types of burns.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of burn injury.
- Compare partial-thickness and full-thickness burns.
- Describe nursing management of patients with burns.
Chapter 55: Human Immunodeficiency
- Identify the transmission modes for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- Discuss the pathophysiology of HIV infection.
- Describe the nurse’s role in managing patients with HIV infection and
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
- Explain the role of insulin in the body.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and acute hypoglycemia.
- Describe the nursing management of patients with diabetes mellitus and acute
¨ I really enjoyed the book and the information present in the book."
D.E., Fresno, CA
¨ Test was very good. Thank you very much."
K.R., Fullerton, CA
¨ I liked that the chapters weren't long but very informative. It is a well
written text."
D.W., El Cajon, CA