Course Outlines and Objectives

Hypertension      $59.95      30 Contact Hours

Rationale and strategies for primary prevention of hypertension.

Efficacy of interventions to prevent hypertension:

weight control
reduced sodium chloride intake
physical activity
reduce alcohol consumption
stress management
potassium, fish oil, calcium, magnesium and fiber supplementation
micronutrient alteration

Role of health care providers.


I have never done home study before, but I think this is an excellent way to earn my ceu's. This course was interesting, I will definitely consider your home study for future ceu's."

S.M., Los Angeles, CA

¨ I have Hypertension and this course was very good for me personally. I am on a Health Care Committee at church. I will be able to give more information to my church members."

P.L., Bakersfield, CA

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